Tuesday, April 13, 2010

His Birthday

My hubby had a birthday this weekend which was exciting.  Birthdays aren't a big deal to him but they are to me.  I love any reason to celebrate really.  So I made a big deal about continuing the cheesecake tradition, went out and bought all the supplies then made it from scratch.  It was fun, my son got to lick the beaters and the cake was delicious.  His mom brought home a mud pie too, "just in case."  My husband said however that the cheesecake was his favorite and tasted like Trader Joe's cheesecake (which was his favorite before it was discontinued). 

So we had some fun at the movies and dinner.  Went and saw "Date Movie" which was hilarious probably especially for married couples and there were a few "awww" moments.  My husband, being the closet romantic that he is and being that it was dark in the theater and noone could see him do it, put his arm around me and squeezed me close.  It was so sweet, and at the time my heart melted like mud pie.

That night however, he had to go to bed early so he laid down while I cleaned up and when I finally came to bed he said, "I missed you."  Then he fell asleep and I caught up on some tv online.  When I was finally ready to lay down I shut the computer, turned over facing him and closed my eyes.  But I felt him run his hand through my hair and pull me closer to him.  Then he started kissing me sooo gently and sweetly.  It was just like a sweet "I love you."  He made my heart fly!  This continued for just a minute, which I wanted to last forever but then he stopped, turned on his back and went to sleep.  Was I disappointed it didn't turn into more?  I have to admit yes, but it was so sweet and loving that I was happy just feeling that until I eventually fell asleep too.

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